Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Car Luck

Monday night my new car was broken into. They smashed in the back passenger side window. Gotta love the tweakers. When I got to my car I saw my CDs and my manual on the front seats of my car. Thought it was weird (I have a slight disconnect pre-coffee). I then saw the glass from my window all over my back seat.

Tuesday I went to get it fixed. Hung out at the Borders until I got the call that my car was ready. Went back, they hadn't done anything to it yet. So I decided to go and grab some food. As I walked into Panara a crazy man the manager was trying to escort out decided to start flailing about and smacked me in the head. Damn it! Maybe it will be nice to get back to a place where they hide their crazies in shame instead of embracing them like we do here in San Francisco. We're so used to them here that I didn't even get a free meal. Why? Because we all know the crazies here, and we all know that it's no body's fault.

So Tuesday night they tried to break in again. Excuse me? Yeah, again. They took some kind of pick to the front passenger window. Totally dented and fucked up the paint between the window and the windshield and chipped the window enough for me to have to get a new one. Thank goodness the guy at the glass place was cool and let it all go down as one claim.

I tried to park in the Lucky's garage overnight but it doesn't open until 7 am so I had to risk parking on the street again. Decided to risk getting hit by some idiot and parked on Masonic where I knew there would always be people around to catch someone fucking with my car again.

All in all it has been a bullshit week. I'm quite over it at the moment. Especially after the hours of packing last night and sleeping on the floor. Ug.

In spite of all of the nonsense listed above I have decided that the persistent assault on my car is a good thing. Why? Because I have horrible car luck and I would rather get it out of the way here, with one little broken window, than worry about it driving across country or when I get to Virginia. Why do I feel like something bad happening to my car is a guarantee? Here's why... (in the order that I can think of them off of the top of my head)

1. First accident. Slid my first Sentra under the bumper of a pick-up truck.

2. (2nd Sentra) Was T-ed by a guy in a GT Mustang who ran a stop sign going about 60, getting off of the freeway. My car spun twice and was almost totalled.

3. Dance recital senior year. My car was vandalized. Seats slashed, car trashed, all panels keyed and all tires slashed.

4. Rear ended by a nice big ol' Dodge Ram leaving school.

5. Clipped by a guy who was exiting at Fell Street while I was at a stand still waiting to get onto the bridge. Shattered my side mirror in my face and knocked my back bumper. BONUS: He didn't notice he hit me and didn't have plates yet (the car was a week old) and so I had to chase him through San Francisco until he finally stopped. FARMER'S INSURANCE (aka. The Worst Insurance Co I have ever dealt with) almost didn't cover him because his policy was so new.

6. Rear ended in New Orleans. I got the extra insurance on the rental so we didn't stop. Troy and Nate were scared.

7. Back window broken to steal my stereo in Jill's hood.

8. Backed into at the Benicia Bridge toll booth when the guy forgot his change.

9. Was backed into by a VERY senior couple while I was having my interview at Bank of the West.

10. The front end of my car was clipped by the suspect in a high speed chase through Pleasant Hill.

11. Someone stole my muffler off of my car (but hey, they put the little support straps back on). I didn't notice until I had to have a guy come out to jump my battery. I asked him if he could take a look and see if he knew why my car was running so loud. Could the muffler be broken? (I am not car savvy okay?) He looked under my car and said, "You don't have one."

12. I rear ended a lady. My bad...

13. Someone "Zorro'ed" the side of my car with their keys.

14. Someone side swiped my mom's Pathfinder on Masonic while I was borrowing it.

15. A little old man backed into my car in his minivan in the Villas.

Pretty sure I have forgotten one or two. You get the gist. Send me good vibes! We don't need anymore incidents!

1 comment:

MissMurtagh said...

Nothing ever beats the high-speed chase. You should play that up.