Friday, February 29, 2008


There are so many things wrong with the word unemployment. The first, because it's the most obvious to me, has to be the queezy, the floor just dropped away from me and I'm falling into oblivion, feeling I have in my stomach.

The second problem is how unacomplished it sounds. It implies that my intention is to sit on my couch, eat Chili Cheese Fritos and watch reruns of Project Runway all day. I hate it. I even had the lady at Bank of America tell me to just put down my job that I was at for another four days so I could avoid sounding "tacky".

The third question is the very literal meaning of the word. I HAVE NO JOB! I have no income. I have nothing set up for when I get there. There is only so much security that comes with phone interviews.

These problems I have with being unemployed bring on the questions. What did I do? Am I crazy? Why not finish school here? I have a job! I like my job! More importantly, I like the people at my job!

You would have to have known me for at least four years to remember the last time I was unemployed. I was a basket case! Stress bucket! I was a damn wreck. I lost fifteen pounds in about a month and a half and my hair was falling out. It was ugly. Thank goodness for the Elephant Bar? Yeah, thank goodness for the Elephant Bar.

Next up... Wegman's or UPS?

1 comment:

MissMurtagh said...

I kinda liked you stressed out and crazy... ;)

But calm down, it's beautiful what you're doing -- following your heart and taking a chance. Those things have always paid off. Maybe not in the way you set out to have them, but they will. You'll be fine, because you're wonderful.

Have a little faith in yourself.