Saturday, May 23, 2009

Projects at Home: Food

I have been trying to get my family to eat better. This has proven to be very interesting, because I can't cook. I can fake my way through things from time to time but I miss more than I hit. Tonight should have been a miss, but it wasn't! My dad's staple is spaghetti with red sauce, ground beef and sausage. We swapped the sauce out for a Heart Healthy brand, the noodles out for rice noodles, and all of the meat out for tofu. It was not pretty. The noodles tasted like paper mache, icky! The sauce looked like... well... nasty. We went back to the regular spaghetti noodles and rolled with it anyway. To our surprise my dad loved it! We can never tell him that he was loving soy instead of beef.

1 comment:

E said...

Ha! I once tricked my little brother into eating chili with soy meat. He loved it :)