1. Chipmunks. They are so damn cute! I don't know why they are more shy than the squirrels but if you see one it's usually it's ass end haulin' in the opposite direction.
2. Lightening bugs. I saw my first one Saturday night when I was at the Jefferson Memorial with my parents. I can't help but get excited. I have seen them everywhere since then. I like to take my glasses off and watch them flying around. I can't see them until they light up and it's just like magic.
3. Today I saw something crazy that I am not entirely sure is normal for here either. I was driving home from work and there was sun in my eyes, driving into the darkness with two rainbows ahead and lightening striking across them. I felt like I was in one of those wizard posters that you can win at Solano County Fair. The weather is so crazy out here. People tried to explain the thunder storms to me before but I never got it.

5. Sitting at a baseball game in the 9th inning and being so hot that I will pay $6 for a midget cup of Dippin' Dots.
6. Poison Ivy. We have hoards of it in our backyard. Thank goodness we stay on the deck. I guess eventually we will have to do something about it.
7. Cardinals and Robins! I feel like I should be in a Disney movie with them flying around singing. And speaking of singing birds, it sounds like a jungle out my window in the morning.
8. I have a basement. There are a few bonuses that go along with having a basement. These bonuses include: Not having to keep all of my camping stuff, luggage, extra blankets, coats and boxes in my closet. AND! Since we have seasons here in VA I also get to rotate my wardrobe and free up a lot of space in my room.
9. Parking. We have two driveways and tons of street parking.
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