I haven't dropped a blog in a while. I was trying to figure out something that I can measure time by accurately enough to make sure I got on here and one thing in my life is consistent these days. Now that I have a work schedule that goes week by week, and there are no real weekends in sight. My friend Leanne and I have started getting pedi's once a month, give or take a week. I am not a huge fan of people touching my feet. I am far too ticklish and my feet are ugly. Just the same, the time we spend chatting, in those heavenly massage chairs, is a really good regrouping time for me. I always pick the color of my toes by the name. First it was "Cajun Shrimp", I was starving and it sure sounded good to me! The last time was "Don't You Sea?", and this time it was "Get in Lime"... The color resembles an anti-fungal, but the name is very suiting to recent days.
It seems that everyone is really stressed to their limits. I am working a lot. No complaints there, the money, and company, is good. But, I have had to give up some things that have kept me grounded out here. I don't have a lot of time to climb anymore and I see very little of the majority of my friends I have made since moving here. I am back in school, and to nobodies surprise, I'm still not an amazing student! I'm doing better than I thought, so that is something. My major is changing once again, but I will fill you in below...
My boy is newly to San Francisco and trying to find a job. Quite a few of us have been there, and it is no fun. Leanne and Jasmine are about to have babies! Jasmine in November and Leanne in February. No matter the joy that will come, it is not without some stress and some serious decisions to be made. My grandmother is just out of the hospital from side effects from her heart surgery that she had just over a month ago. Knowing how poorly I do as a patient, and knowing how much worse she does, makes me feel awful that she is so restrained these days, no matter how necessary. My mom, being the rock she is, is keeping everyone moving along. Other friends have new jobs, have started school, have moved to new places and have family fun that would try anyone. So you've had a rocky past six weeks or so? Get in Lime.
All of this does not go without some nice chunks of joy and a light at the end of a few different tunnels. First up, Cyn. She is my soccer mom, soon to be, tattoo artist! I had my consult last Wednesday to finish my back. I adore her and can't wait to see what she draws up for me. I am so excited to have a finished piece! I will post pictures as we move along.
I have detoured from the Non-Profit major with some advise from a few good friends. NPO's, just like any business, need people with specialties. Since a Business major was out for me, I have decided to go into Construction Management. This would make me useful to a couple of the NPO's I have worked with in the past, Habitat for Humanity and Sierra Service Project. I have always liked building things, having a finished product, so I'm going for it. A certificate at NOVA is available and then I am planning on following it up with my bachelors in Architectural Engineering. I am taking a class right now on Methods and Materials of Construction. It seems all of my questions are engineering questions, ones that my teacher can't answer. It makes me confident that my way of thinking aligns more with the engineering aspects of things, so, as of now, that is where I'm headed.
Next, Nate is going to be here on Saturday. I have the weekend off and we are going to a DC United game and getting into any number of other things the following week! Showing him around will be a great way for me to remember what I love about this area, because there are a lot of things that are great about Virginia.
A little ways off, I have Jill and Brandon's wedding on the 24th of October down in Malibu. I can't wait to see some of my California people! Saturday will be spent at the beach. I may live close to a coastline out here, but I haven't seen the Atlantic up here since 2001. It never did it for me like the California coast anyway... Once a California girl...
NOTE: Jasmine and I were talking about how much people can take before going off the deep end. She told me about a book called Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl. I haven't had a chance to pick it up yet, but I did go on Amazon and look it up. It has 74 reviews, 59 of which are five star ratings. It really sounds like something we all should take a shot at reading. Below is the description of the book. Check it out.
Product Description: Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Between 1942 and 1945 Frankl labored in four different camps, including Auschwitz, while his parents, brother, and pregnant wife perished. Based on his own experience and the experiences of those he treated in his practice, Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose. Frankl's theory—known as logotherapy, from the Greek word logos ("meaning")—holds that our primary drive in life is not pleasure, as Freud maintained, but the discovery and pursuit of what we personally find meaningful.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Jackie and Kenny Come to Visit!
Last week Jackie and Kenny came out to Virginia to visit Kenny's sister Sandra and her husband Chris. I was working a lot at my new job (I'll fill you in in a moment...) so I only got to see them a few times. The first night I went over was after a shift at Ray's Burger Hell (part two of the new job) and got to play some on DDR. I have never played before, as everyone can vouch for, but I had a really good time anyway! Here area couple videos I took of Jackie and Kenny.
And my favorite...
We also went to dinner at Malibu Grill one night on a Ghost Tour of Alexandria another. The guy that did our tour, on a night just like this, was a newbie, mmm kay. It was a hoot. I really enjoyed getting to know Jackie's new inlaws! They are great people. I wish I had more time to visit with 'em but I guess there is always Christmas!
The new job. I am now a waitress at Ray's the Steaks/Ray's Burger Hell. I love the girls I work with. The pace is fast, and I'm definitely not up to par, but I'm working on it. Finally get to pay down some credit card bills and live a little. It should be just the right fit until I finish school... As long as they don't mind me going home for the holidays :)
Class also started a couple of weeks ago. Not much to it yet, but my spanish class is kinda funny. My teacher is the Brain, from Pinky and the Brain. We are learning spanish via a soap opera. I'm not sure how it will work out, but I'm going to give it a shot.
The new job. I am now a waitress at Ray's the Steaks/Ray's Burger Hell. I love the girls I work with. The pace is fast, and I'm definitely not up to par, but I'm working on it. Finally get to pay down some credit card bills and live a little. It should be just the right fit until I finish school... As long as they don't mind me going home for the holidays :)
Class also started a couple of weeks ago. Not much to it yet, but my spanish class is kinda funny. My teacher is the Brain, from Pinky and the Brain. We are learning spanish via a soap opera. I'm not sure how it will work out, but I'm going to give it a shot.
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