I just got back from Denver. My friend Robbie got married! Holy cow! I left Friday after work and Sarah picked me up from the airport. Sarah is working for Americorp and finished up a project just in time for Z and I to stay with her in Denver. I haven't seen Sarah in ages and it was so good to catch up! Z was out with the boys for the bachelor party and so it was a girls' night. Z came in late, and a little tossed :), so we had a quick hello before going back to bed. The next morning we got up and had breakfast at Breakfast King, delicious! Off we went to Red Rocks for a hike. The hike that Z had found online didn't exist so we wondered around the amphitheater for a bit. I wish we could have gone to a show there, it was absolutely beautiful. Good thing Sarah plans on sticking around because I spent most of the weekend creating a list of things to do. When we headed out to hike we had a security guard tell us that we had to leave because there was a man with a gun in the area. Sweet! We decided to chance it in hopes that whatever plans he had would keep him out of the area we were headed for. Red Rocks is fabulous! We didn't have a chance to visit where the dinosaur tracks are, but the area is so unique and beautiful I don't feel like the trip was any bit of a loss. About half way through our walk Z's shoes died. We headed up to the gift shop to get some duct tape. We cooled off in some AC and taped up Z's shoes.
After hiking we went down to Washington Park to people watch and hang out. It is such a cool place! There were people everywhere. They were playing slosh ball and running, rollerblading, there were dogs everywhere! It is a really neat spot.
Showers at the campus proved to be very interesting. The shower head hit me below the shoulder! Cleaned up and ready to go we headed out for some Mexican food. Illegal Pete's had some great food and delicious boy watching :) Heyloo!! Celtic Tavern was our next stop. The place was huge and complete with a bowling ally and live band. The first rounds of drinks were ridiculously sweet. Sarah, being the sweet girl she is, simply dumped it out in the bathroom and lied to the waitress who sold it to her as one of her specialties. Jeffy showed up later with Carlie. It was so fun to catch up and shoot the shit with the boys!

All dressed up and ready to see Robbie tie the knot! Z was my and Sarah's date to the wedding, pimpin'...

We picked up Jeff on the way and pre-gamed in the car. We got there and sat down... on the wrong side! We saw Katie, Rob's sister, sitting on the other side so we got up and ran across the isle. Rob couldn't help but laugh at us, especially since Katie was on the wrong side and soon moved to our original side after we settled in. The wedding was sweet and just short enough to survive the heat.

The reception was so fun! I haven't seen Rob's parents in so long! I adore them and it was good to get to talk to them as well as Rob's sibs, Katie and Scottie. Our table consisted of Z, Sarah, Jeff and I, another couple and Mr. Gauddi, the scariest man I have ever seen. After the wedding we took off for Sancho's Broken Arrow, a Grateful Dead themed bar. Fooseball, air hockey and pool was the name of the game. The bar is complete with a bit of San Francisco decor, including Filmore posters! After a few six packs of PBR we encountered some very interesting characters. Our intro to the girl that Z wrested in the video was her coming up to me, straddling me on my chair and asking if she could hump me for a minute... I could have sworn I was in some dive in San Francisco at that moment. Sarah had to leave early so she could get up for work the next morning, so me and the boys finished up the party strong for her.

The next morning we got to meet up with Rob and Darnelle for breakfast. Z and Jeff got to fill Darnelle in on all of the stupid shit they used to do in high school while we nursed our hangovers. The morning was cut short by my need to get to the airport, boo! Z and I dropped Jeff off at home before getting ourselves a bit lost heading back to the campus. Sarah met Z and I at the dorm and we were off.
The weekend was full of surprises that will bring a smile to my face for a long time to come. There is nothing like new memories with old friends.